Client: Sanctuary Opportunity Funds
Launched: January 28, 2019
Custom DesignThis project uses a custom design created solely for the use of this website. We did not select a pre-designed template. At times, templates are fine to use for certain cases but we like to deliver an experience and a product that is completely original and that fits the client's brand exactly.
Custom ThemeThis is combined with the custom design. Typically when using a CMS like WordPress or Shopify, you are required to use a pre-built theme. Many of these themes come packaged with features that are not needed for the particular project and can blot the codebase causing a website to load slowly. We built our own theme and add in the features that are needed for a smooth loading website and a better overall user experience.
Powered by WordPressWordPress is still a great Content Management System. We create an easy to understand admin so that our clients have full control of their content without having to touch code or mess with design builders.
Tailwind.cssWe use the Tailwind.css framework to build all our custom themes. It is reliable, very lightweight, and cross developer-friendly.
Homepage Screenshot: